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What is React and Their Advantages in Website Designing?

What is React and Their Advantages in Website Designing?

What is React?

React is a JavaScript library that focuses on building user interfaces. It is often used in conjunction with other libraries or frameworks like Redux, Flux, and GraphQL.

React is not a framework but it provides a view layer for your application. It has the ability to render content on the page as soon as it loads and can also be used to create interactive UIs. React is often used in conjunction with other libraries or frameworks like Redux, Flux, and GraphQL.

React was developed by Facebook and Instagram engineers, and was first released in 2013. React is open-source and has been licensed under the MIT License since 2014. With React, developers can create interactive UIs for their websites designing  without using jQuery or other libraries that are not as fast or efficient as React.

Why React has more demand?

React has more demand for website developers because it’s simpler to learn and use than other frameworks like Angular or Vue because of its simple, declarative syntax, which makes it easier for developers to build complex web applications.. React also has the advantage of being compatible with most JavaScript libraries like Redux, Redux-Saga and ImmutableJS.

Advantages of react

React has many advantages over other libraries, some of them are mentioned below:

1) React is easy to learn and use.

2) It has a virtual DOM which makes it very fast as well as efficient.

3) React can be used with other libraries like Redux, Bootstrap, JQuery etc.

4) It does not require any additional tools to be installed on the system before it can be used.

5) It supports JSX which helps in making the code more readable and understandable.

What are the features of react?


React is declarative, which means that it allows developers to describe the desired outcome of a particular task or action, rather than the specific steps needed to achieve that outcome. This makes it easier to write and maintain code.


JSX is a syntax extension to JavaScript that lets you embed XML-like tags in JavaScript code.

The JSX extension to JavaScript allows for a more concise and readable approach to writing React components. It also helps with the separation of concerns, as the logic and presentation are now separated from each other. This means that when you need to update your logic, it will not affect the presentation layer.

The advantages of JSX are:

  • It’s easy to use, and it produces a result that looks like HTML.
  • You can use HTML tags instead of custom tag names.
  • It’s less verbose than JavaScript, which makes the code shorter and easier to read.

The disadvantages of JSX are:

  • It doesn’t work in all browsers, but there are workarounds for this issue.


Components are the most basic and fundamental building blocks of React. They are the smallest units in a React application that can be reused throughout an application.

Components can be created by using JSX, which is a JavaScript syntax extension that allows you to define a component as a function that takes props as input and returns JSX markup. You can also use ES6 classes or create components with functional stateless components or classless components.

One-way Data Binding

One-way data binding is a way to make the data flow in a react application. In one-way data binding, the website designing & application will update the DOM when there is a change in the model.

One-way data binding is a technique that allows the state of an application to be updated when the user interacts with the interface. It is a technique by which we can update our UI whenever we have changes in our data model. It’s one way because it doesn’t require two-way communication between model and UI components.

Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is a JavaScript library that is used for rendering and updating the web pages. It is faster than the normal DOM and it does not require a browser to update the page.

The Virtual DOM library is used by React, which uses it for updating the user interface in response to events, like user input. It also makes it easier to create large-scale applications with React because of its ability to share code between different parts of an application.


React makes it easier for developers who have worked with frameworks like Angular or Ember before, but also allows beginners who are just learning how these things work a much more simple introduction into the process of creating an application from scratch.

Unidirectional data flow:

React follows a unidirectional data flow, which means that data flows in one direction, from the parent component to the child component. This makes it easier to understand and debug the code.


React has good performance because it only renders the components that are necessary to the user at any given time. This means that only what is needed will be rendered on the screen and not anything else, which can make it faster than other libraries and frameworks.


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